Friday, February 25, 2011

sejarah berdirinya asuransi bumiputera

Bumiputera berdiri atas
prakarsa seorang guru
sederhana bernama M. Ng.
Dwidjosewojo - Sekretaris
Persatuan Guru-guru Hindia
Belanda (PGHB) sekaligus
Sekretaris I Pengurus Besar
Budi Utomo. Dwidjosewojo
menggagas pendirian
perusahaan asuransi karena
didorong oleh keprihatinan
mendalam terhadap nasib
para guru bumiputera

Ia mencetuskan
gagasannya pertama kali di
Kongres Budi Utomo, tahun
1910. Dan kemudian
terealisasi menjadi badan
usaha sebagai salah satu
keputusan Kongres pertama
PGHB di Magelang, 12
Februari 1912..
Sebagai pengurus, selain M.
Ng. Dwidjosewojo yang
bertindak sebagai Presiden
Komisaris, juga ditunjuk
M.K.H. Soebroto sebagai
Direktur, dan M. Adimidjojo
sebagai Bendahara. Ketiga
orang inilah yang kemudian
dikenal sebagai "tiga
serangkai" pendiri
Bumiputera, sekaligus peletak
batu pertama industri asuransi
nasional Indonesia.

Tidak seperti perusahaan
berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas
(PT) - yang kepemilikannya
hanya oleh pemodal tertentu;
sejak awal pendiriannya
Bumiputera sudah menganut
sistem kepemilikan dan
kepenguasaan yang unik,
yakni bentuk badan usaha
"mutual" atau "usaha
bersama". Semua pemegang
polis adalah pemilik
perusahaan - yang
mempercayakan wakil-wakil
mereka di Badan Perwakilan
Anggota (BPA) untuk
mengawasi jalannya
perusahaan. Asas mutualisme
ini, yang kemudian dipadukan
dengan idealisme dan
profesionalisme pengelolanya,
merupakan kekuatan utama
Bumiputera hingga hari ini.

Perjalanan Bumiputera yang
semula bernama Onderlinge
Maatschappij PGHB (O.L. Mij.
PGHB) kini mencapai 9
dasawarsa. Sepanjang itu,
tentu saja, tidak lepas dari
pasang surut. Sejarah
Bumiputera sekaligus
mencatat perjalanan Bangsa
Indonesia. Termasuk,
misalnya, peristiwa sanering
mata uang rupiah di tahun
1965 - yang memangkas asset
perusahaan ini; dan bencana
paling hangat - multikrisis di
penghujung millenium kedua.

Di luar itu, Bumiputera juga
menyaksikan tumbuh,
berkembang, dan tumbangnya
perusahaan sejenis yang tidak
sanggup menghadapi ujian
zaman - mungkin karena
persaingan atau badai krisis.
Semua ini menjadi cermin
berharga dari lingkungan yang
menjadi bagian dari proses
pembelajaran untuk upaya

Dan sekarang, memasuki
millenium ketiga, Bumiputera
yang mengkaryakan sekitar
18.000 pekerja, melindungi
lebih dari 9.7 juta jiwa rakyat
Indonesia, dengan jaringan
kantor sebanyak 576 di
seluruh pelosok Indonesia;
tengah berada di tengah
capaian baru industri asuransi

perusahaan asing menyerbu
dan masuk menggarap pasar
domestik. Mereka menjadi
rekan sepermainan yang ikut
meramaikan dan bersama-
sama membesarkan industri
yang dirintis oleh pendiri
Bumiputera, 91 tahun lampau.
Bagi Bumiputera, iklim
kompetisi ini meniupkan
semangat baru; karena makin
menegaskan perlunya
komitmen, kerja keras, dan
profesionalisme. Namun
berbekal pengalaman panjang
melayani rakyat Indonesia
berasuransi hampir seabad,
menjadikan Bumiputera
bertekad untuk tetap menjadi
tuan rumah di negeri sendiri,
menjadi asuransi Bangsa
Indonesia - sebagaimana visi
awal pendirinya.

ingin senantiasa berada di
benak dan di hati rakyat

financial planing tool

To help you plan your finances
better, Bank Negara Malaysia
has developed the following

This pocket money book (Buku
Wang Saku) helps young
children and teenagers to
create their own spending
plan by recording money
inflows, expenses and savings.
These books are available
through the School Adoption
Programme (SAP) by banking
institutions or can be
purchased at RM1 each from
major bookstores nationwide.
The electronic version of
these books are also available
at, a fun and
educational site targeted at
school children.
Managing your
money step by
How to invest
your money
Choosing the
right account
How to make a
What Else Can I
Read our FAQs
on managing
your money
Download the
booklet on
managing your
Use our budget
Email this to a
Bookmark this
Give us your

This book is designed to help
adults manage their personal
household income, expenses,
savings and investments. It
also features a planning and
budgeting section which is
considered an important
aspect of good financial
planning for adults.This
booklet is available for sale at
the following bookstores:
- Bank Negara Malaysia Money
Museum, Kuala Lumpur
- Bank Negara Malaysia
Branches (Pulau Pinang, Johor
Bahru, Kuala Terengganu,
Kuching, and Kota Kinabalu)
- MPH Bookstores nationwide
- Pustaka Mukmin (Jalan Tuanku
Abdul Rahman, KL)
- Pustaka Minerva (Jalan
Tuanku Abdul Rahman, KL)
- University Malaya bookstore
Our budget calculator enables
you to store and retrieve your
budget, and hence allows you
to actively manage your

bank info plan your finances

Whether you earn a little or a
lot, it ’s always wise to budget
and plan your finances
smartly. Common mistakes
that most people would make
when it comes to money is
getting too deep in debt,
paying bills late, and not
knowing how to save for the
future. You can avoid making
these mistakes by always
keeping track of where your
money goes and knowing what
you can spend on.
Here are some steps that you
can use for managing your
money wisely

Step 1. Set your financial goals

Financial goals reflect things
you want to do with your
money within a certain period
of time. Setting these goals
will help you understand the
value of money and
encourage prudent spending.
Be sure to know how long you
should plan for each goal.
Are they short, medium or
long term goals? Which one of
the following are your
financial goals?
Buying a house
Buying a car
Starting a family
Child’s education
Medical and Health Insurance

Step 2. Know Where money goes to

After setting your goals, start
developing a spending plan so
that it ’s easier to achieve your
goals. Remember that your
aim is not to cut your budget
but to note the direction of
your spending.
With this you will know:
Where and how you spend
your money
How much you owe monthly
How much is left at the end of
the month

Step 3. Asses your spending habits

If you find that you have
nothing left at the end of the
month, it ’s time to assess your
spending habits. Look through
your list of expenses and
determine if they are a
necessity or luxury item.
Look out for the following
warning signals of bad
spending habits that may lead
to real money problems:
You use your savings to pay
current bills
You take new loans to pay for
old ones
You owe more than you earn
You buy on impulse even when
you know you cannot afford it

Step 4. Write down your spending plan

A spending plan can help you
manage your finances. You
can also target areas where
spending is out of control and
also set a clear path for
You can start making your
own spending plan by using
this simple guide:
Establish your monthly total
Add up your total expenses
including fixed monthly bills,
loan repayments, rentals and
daily living expenses, etc
Put aside a fixed sum of
money to meet emergencies
or seasonal expenses (e.g.
school fees, road tax,
insurance renewals)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

petronas kuala lumpur malaysia

Kuala Lumpur – KL to its
friends – is more than just a
capital city: it is a monument
to Malaysian ingenuity and

From humble
beginnings as a tin-mining
shanty town, KL has evolved
into a 21st-century metropolis,
dominated by the tallest
skyscrapers in Southeast Asia
and flush with the proceeds of
international trade and

Over the years, KL
has faced its share of
challenges but nothing has
succeeded in suppressing the
determination of locals to
make KL, and Malaysia, a
leader among Asian tiger

The marketing
slogan for the
Malaysian tourist
board is ‘truly Asia’
and nowhere is this
more true than in the

KL is every
inch the Asian cyber-
city: historic temples
and mosques rub
shoulders with space-
age towers and
shopping malls;
traders ’ stalls are
piled high with
pungent durians and
counterfeit DVDs; and locals
sip cappuccino in wi-fi –enabled
coffee hops or feast at
bustling streetside hawker
stalls serving food from across
the continent.

The most striking thing about
KL from a visitor ’s perspective
is its remarkable cultural
diversity. Ethnic Malays,
Chinese prospectors, Indian
migrants and British colonials
all helped carve the city out
of the virgin jungle, and each
group has left its indelible
mark on the capital. Eating,
shopping and nightlife are
undeniable highlights of any
visit to KL, but don ’t restrict
yourself to the city – there are
numerous parks and
monuments dotted around KL
that make easy day trips for a
break from the hustle and

Ready to go?
Spend a day at the Kuala
Gandah Elephant Sanctuary
Take the Kuala Sekangor
Fireflies Tour and experience
the magic

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money With Internet Marketing – What Determines Success?

Think about being able to get up on your own time, work on your own time, and most importantly make money on your own time. You wouldn’t have to commute to work. You wouldn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Your life would actually be yours to live on your own terms. This is all possible with internet marketing. Making money online with internet marketing allows just about anyone to make a full time income from the comfort of their own home given that they are willing to put forth some effort. However, it isn’t only effort that will allow you to achieve success with online marketing as many will tell you. You can work and work and then work some more and not see a single cent if you aren’t doing things correctly. In this article we’ll be taking a look at what determines success in internet marketing and how you can achieve success for yourself.

The reason why most people fail online is because they simply aren’t doing things correctly. When people first hear of the possibility of making money online they get very excited. They get excited because they automatically assume that making money on the internet must be ridiculously simple and require very little know how. Let me just tell you right now that this is completely false. The business of earning money online through internet marketing isn’t as easy as a few clicks of the mouse and you won’t be able to earn anything if you are just working several hours a day. Sure, it is great that you want to put in the hours but if you aren’t doing things correctly then you’ve just wasted your time. Three hours of unfocused work is not the same as three hours of sticking to a proven plan of action.
And a proven plan of action is exactly what separates successful internet marketers from those who haven’t made a cent through internet marketing and therefor aren’t really internet marketers at all. If you want to make a full time income through the internet then you need to be following a proven model of doing so. You can’t go from point A to point B if you are completely lost and have no sense of direction. So how do you expect to make an income on the internet if you have no clue what you are doing? A proven model allows you to do work in confidence because you are taking steps that are guaranteed to generate sales, leads, revenue, whatever! This is what it all comes down to in the world of internet marketing.
Would you like to learn about two of the most successful models for making money online? Would you like to gain access to material that will guarantee you make money with every step you take? I hope that you are because this is what generating a full time income and beyond is all about as far as internet marketing goes. Anyhow, if you think you’re interested in earning some serious cash online (the right way!) then simply click the link below.

Advantages of Internet Banking

Banking around the clock is no longer a remote possibility. But the banks don’t have to keep their branches open 24 hours a day to provide this service. This is one of the biggest advantages of Internet banking.
One doesn’t have to go to the bank’s branch to request a financial statement. You can download it from your online bank account, which shows you up-to-the-minute updated figures.
Another advantage of Internet banking is that it is cost-effective. Thousands of customers can be dealt with at once. There is no need to have too many clerks and cashiers. The administrative work gets reduced drastically with Internet banking. Expenditures on paper slips, forms and even bank stationery have gone down, which helps raise the profit margin of the bank by a surprisingly large number.
As far as customers are concerned, their account information is available round the clock, regardless of their location. They can reschedule their future payments from their bank account while sitting thousands of miles away. They can electronically transfer money from their bank accounts or receive money in their bank accounts within seconds.
You can apply for a loan without visiting the local bank branch and get one easily. You can buy or sell stocks and other securities by using your bank accounts. Even new accounts can be opened; old accounts can be closed without doing tedious paperwork. Especially with the increasing acceptability of digital signatures around the world, Internet banking has made life much easier and banking much faster and more pleasant, for customers as well as bankers.

Five Easy Ways to Succeed Using Internet Network Marketing

Internet network marketing is a powerful way of earning money from home. It’s not effortless but with the right tactics, anyone can succeed in creating their own home based business.
What is network marketing? Simply put, it is a marketing strategy where emphasis is placed on building a large network of independent unsalaried sales associates or representatives who work together to earn money.

Associates make money through direct selling of products and the sponsoring of other associates. He earns a commission not only on his own sales but also on his recruits’ sales. The people above him in the company get commissions from his sales and he earns commissions from the sales of the people below him.
Here are five simple ways to use internet network marketing to your advantage.
First, get used to always thinking of leads as not just potential customers but also potential recruits. Almost everybody would like to earn a little bit of money on the side and if you are contacting them to talk about your products, you might as well tell them about the business opportunity you represent.
Second, don’t give up. Not all of your efforts will meet with success all the time. If you get in touch with 10 people and no one joins up with your business, continue trying. You never know if the 11th person will join. It’s likely that if you email 100 people, only a few will contact you and ask about joining but if you continue working, you can build a good network slowly but surely.
Third, have reasonable and achievable goals in mind. Yes, everyone would like to earn a million dollars in a month but is that really likely to happen? If it were that fast and easy, everyone would be a millionaire.
Fourth, don’t be tempted to spam. First time internet network marketing associates can get so excited that they start posting about their company everywhere, even where it is not appropriate. Spam is a waste of time and will just make people angry.
Fifth, form a relationship with your fellow associates. The more that you regularly communicate and help each other, the more successful you will be. Network marketing is not a solo endeavor.

How To Find Financial Success On The Internet

I received an email the other day which asked “How can I have a successful business on the internet?”
To which I replied “This is a very good question if you leave out the word successful.” There are many ways to have a business on the internet. It is what you set as your expectations to allow it to qualify as being a success.

Having owned several businesses, both offline as well as online, for most of my working life. My definition of success was to allow me a level of income to support my family and to have time to enjoy sharing my families activities while running my business.
Your needs may be much different than mine, so I shall answer your question without the reference to success.
Visualise the internet as a very large shopping mall where you shall open your business. The mall is full of other businesses all offering visitors answers to their needs, fears, problems, dreams, in the form of products to solve them.
Do not be intimidated by the size of the other businesses as online is one area where size does not matter, in fact being a small business is sometimes seen as an attraction.
There has been a constant demand for up-to-date information on all areas of humanity over the years. The individual human is by their very nature curious and searches for answers to everyday activities.
Such as how to find a better job, house, car, vacation, education, the list is endless and the beauty of it so far as having a business producing it is that it constantly changes.
Stop! Don’t give up just because I am advising you to provide up-to-the-minute information, there is an easy answer to being able to fill that need.
You can research online and find the information or if that seems too difficult there are writers who will do the research for you. You can even use reprint right material or even better is private label reprint right as with the latter you can edit it.
I know several millionaires who have made their money using private label reprint rights material. This allows you the free time to enjoy your family activities I spoke of earlier and I can think of not better solution to your question on how to start an internet business.
One final comment, you must give adequate energy to your non-business relationships, your physical and mental health to enjoy any success at all, my very best wishes for your future.

Build a Successful Internet Business

Launching and building a successful business is a more daunting task than many people assume. Nonetheless, it is not a rocket science and you can start an online business easily. A common delusion that most people have is that online businesses are easily run and it is easy to reach success.

Bear in mind that there is a fierce competition among internet businesses. If your business undertaking has not reached success as you constantly give the same results, then you are doing the same things which will not help you.
If you want to know how to build successful business, then you should follow the professionals and see what they do. What makes the professional successful? What do they do to create successful business? Here you can see a few tips that will help you in the long run.
1. Educate Yourself
Get to know more ways to become successful. You can do a research online and choose successful job patterns. These successful people are the ones which you should consider to communicate with. Bear in mind that winners breed winners.
2) Obtain an Auto-responder
One of the major keys to successful internet business is the usage of an opt-in mailing list. In such a way, people who visit your website add to your mailing list themselves. It is an excellent way to create profitable relationships with your clients.
3) Find a good couch
Find a person that achieved success in internet business that you could admire, contact this person and tell him or her that you are searching for a couch. If they are ready to help you, then this is a professional indeed and not the person who thinks that he knows everything. Learn from their examples and use their recommendations. Try to become friends with this person so that you feel more comfortable communicating with him.
If you do a profound research and follow the best examples, you can build a big income with an internet business. The main thing is that you should never give up if you see that everything goes not in the way you want it. Most people manage to build successful internet business, you can become successful as well. The internet gives us attractive money making opportunities.
Choose the area of your interest, carve a niche for yourself. Build a website that will become a platform for your operation. Then you will need fresh and new content for your website to keep customers coming back to you. This is very important for your survival in the internet business.
So, follow these tips for building successful internet business.

Streaming Music Online With Wireless Internet

Launching and building a successful business is a more daunting task than many people assume. Nonetheless, it is not a rocket science and you can start an online business easily. A common delusion that most people have is that online businesses are easily run and it is easy to reach success.

Bear in mind that there is a fierce competition among internet businesses. If your business undertaking has not reached success as you constantly give the same results, then you are doing the same things which will not help you.
If you want to know how to build successful business, then you should follow the professionals and see what they do. What makes the professional successful? What do they do to create successful business? Here you can see a few tips that will help you in the long run.
1. Educate Yourself
Get to know more ways to become successful. You can do a research online and choose successful job patterns. These successful people are the ones which you should consider to communicate with. Bear in mind that winners breed winners.
2) Obtain an Auto-responder
One of the major keys to successful internet business is the usage of an opt-in mailing list. In such a way, people who visit your website add to your mailing list themselves. It is an excellent way to create profitable relationships with your clients.
3) Find a good couch
Find a person that achieved success in internet business that you could admire, contact this person and tell him or her that you are searching for a couch. If they are ready to help you, then this is a professional indeed and not the person who thinks that he knows everything. Learn from their examples and use their recommendations. Try to become friends with this person so that you feel more comfortable communicating with him.
If you do a profound research and follow the best examples, you can build a big income with an internet business. The main thing is that you should never give up if you see that everything goes not in the way you want it. Most people manage to build successful internet business, you can become successful as well. The internet gives us attractive money making opportunities.
Choose the area of your interest, carve a niche for yourself. Build a website that will become a platform for your operation. Then you will need fresh and new content for your website to keep customers coming back to you. This is very important for your survival in the internet business.
So, follow these tips for building successful internet business.

News Media Vs Internet Media

National and local newspapers across the world are facing their most radical restructuring in history; scores are folding as advertisers migrate to online advertising. Cutbacks have led to hundreds of journalists being invited to clear their desks. Falling circulation and higher production costs are making matters worse whilst increasing numbers of readers save time and money by reading their favourite newspaper online.

Very little news content today is gathered by reporters; most of what we read is downloaded free from court and local authority reports. Much is editorial-advertising and product reviews. Why pay a journalist when you can charge an advertiser? Another threat to traditional reporting is posed by citizen journalists; freelances who offer their services in return for lead gathering opportunities.
Few doubt the superiority of online newspapers compared to hard copy. The online edition of the average daily newspaper carries so much information and advertising; a builder’s labourer could not hope to carry it in a wheelbarrow if it went to print. It is not the Internet that threatens journalists’ careers; it is the nature of the change. They too are learning to adapt.
The Internet News Revolution
News organisations are still profitable but their proprietors have seen the writing on the wall. As High Street retailers morph into Internet shopping the newspaper industry knows that street vendor and newsagent distributed newspapers, subsidised by online profits, will follow typewriters into obscurity. The dilemma facing the industry is how best to profit by charging browsers who access their online editions.
Print and distribution costs are crippling news print editions; costs for online copy are comparatively low. Online newspapers do not have a space problem and deadlines are not an issue. The news is almost immediate and rolled out 24/7. However, in a click-driven competitive market online news media increasingly rely on challenging and investigative journalists, columnists and event analysts.
Rupert Murdoch
If a charge is imposed the trick will be to prevent each newspaper’s readership migrating to free online editions. Under the radar discussions are already taking place. Heading the agenda is the quest to discover the most practical means of getting readers to pay for their PC screen content without losing them. News magnate Rupert Murdoch already charges a subscription to access the Wall Street Journal’s insider information copy. He says: “People reading news for free on the web; that’s got to change.”
Recently it was announced that the tycoon has won a concession from Google to limit access to free news reports. It is called slamming the stable door before the horse bolts. Head of Associated Press, Tom Curley agrees: “The readers and viewers are going to have to pay more.” Others argue that viewers will simple not pay. The truth is no one knows as no one has been there before.
A Spanish Journalist Shows the Way
One online media hopeful is Arcadi Espada, a Catalan journalist. He is certain that print journalism does not have a future. His online Factual will be accessed by a 50EUR annual subscription. With characteristic forthrightness Espada says: “A journalist’s work is not free; nothing in life is free. We have to re-invent the business.”
According to one poll 60 percent of newspaper proprietors are considering ways to charge for online access. A quarter of them are ready to take the plunge. Those who gather their daily news and information from online newspapers now stand at 30 percent.
Hot off the Press
Of the UK Times and Sunday Times 20 million plus users, 500,000 are now dependent upon their online edition and the gap will close further. Plans are already in place to charge for the privilege of reading the Times online editions. Freelance journalist, Sandy Collins, doesn’t see a problem or fear for his job. “Some of my best stories have been blue pencilled out by hard copy newspapers because with limited space available the advertiser is king. Online publishing is a no-brainer. Everyone wins.”
He adds: “Newspaper proprietors’ costs are cut and their readership reaches a worldwide audience potential. As a journalist I now send my stuff to my online editors, knowing that if it is not published, it was not a space problem. If work is accepted according to merit then of course this must improve news quality. It must also improve opportunities for writers.”
Collins says his online newspaper proprietor has an insatiable appetite for fast turnover of quality and originality. “He wants my take on breaking news now, not next week or next month. What I produce in the morning is being read by the public hours later. You don’t get much fresher than that. A recent report of mine had 7,000 readers within hours of my blotting it.” Hard copy has gone the way of typewriters. Typewriters! What are typewriters?

Outsourcing Internet Traffic

The Value of Outsourcing Internet Traffic
Whether you are new to internet marketing or have ‘been around the block a few times’, you are probably well aware (or you will be) of the importance of traffic. If you can not drive traffic to your offers, you won’t make money, not matter how great your website is. Online marketing is not a matter of “If you build it, they will come.” You have to be purposeful and proactive in your efforts to generate traffic. Because this can be time consuming and difficult, one option is to outsource internet traffic. Below, we will take a look at why you should consider outsourcing internet traffic and what it would look like if you did.

There are numerous ways to pass on your traffic generation duties to someone else. For instance, you can pay someone to post and promote your website to their social networking websites such as Twitter or Facebook. If you can identify someone with a large and loyal following on either of these sites, getting your link in front of them, could potentially mean big profits for you.
Another option might be to pay someone to write and submit articles to various article directories. Referred to as article marketing, this has proven to be a very effective way to promote products and services. Paying someone to create and post Youtube videos is another hands-free way to generate traffic, as is hiring individuals to post ads promoting your products on various, targeted forums.
There are many great reasons to outsource internet traffic generation. Doing so saves time, can be extremely effective and ultimately can make life much easier for the marketer If a person were to perform all of the duties necessary to drive traffic to their website, they might not have much time to do anything else. It is very easy to spend all of ones time on internet marketing which leaves little time for having a life and spending time with family members and friends.
Because it can take a long time to perform all of the tasks necessary to generate a steady flow of traffic when a person opts to do everything on their own, it takes a lot longer to see results and earn cash. Conversely, if they outsourced these duties, they could be making money a lot sooner. Not only does outsourcing save time (when the right people are hired), it is often a more profitable way to make money.
In an effort to save money, many people perform tasks that they should probably outsource to another person, themselves. While this might be necessary when a person is just starting out, it often isn’t a good long-term strategy. This is because doing everything that needs to be done in order to keep ones internet business afloat can be time consuming and over-time, expensive. I know the latter sounds counter-intuitive but stay with me. When it takes a person months to make money, when it could take them weeks if they outsourced certain tasks, they are losing money. Eventually this can become costly. An individual can speed up their businesses’ profitability simply by outsourcing their traffic generation.

Internet Marketing Basic Tools

Creating a successful online business needs planning and strategies just like any successful business. Having an online business is not as simple and easy as it looks. It needs time, effort, patience and determination to actually become effective and successful. With the use of the right tools in internet marketing, attaining success for your business would be faster and more efficient results would be seen with the use of these tools and methods.

First is your website. Choose your domain wisely by making it straight to the point and short so it could be easily remembered. It should be not be complicated and easy to navigate to attract the attention of visitors because of its plainness. But it should also have a creative and unique professional design to catch attentions of visitors. Having the most important tools in internet marketing which is an online payment system and shopping cart system in your site would make it easy for the visitors to purchase something from your website and generate more sales!
Another is by using keywords. You have to get your website in the search results of the most commonly used search engines like Google, Yahoo, AskJeeves, and many more. Think of the most effective keyword that is related to your business that potential customers might possibly use. Because the more visitors you bring in your website, the larger possibility they would become customers and eventually, bring your targeted market.
An email newsletter is another effective marketing tool you can use in your online business. By getting the name of your visitors and so are their emails, you can be easily remind your visitors about your existence, your website. By making them subscribe at least once a week in your newsletters, your sales would definitely increase.
You just have to remember that having an online business is not easy. But with the help of these internet marketing tools, your job would become easier and your sales would definitely increase!

Tips On Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is very vital if you want to survive the rat race. Let us discuss some tips on increasing traffic on your web page. These tips with regards to advertising have been proven to work.
Optimize your search engine. This tactic should be used in every sort of promotion being done. With this, the search engines will know what the content of your web page is. You never know, your site could in fact have a high ranking on a search engine. You see, when people search a particular keyword and your site is on the first five results, you have a high chance of being clicked by the person searching, which means your traffic increases.

Advertise on pay-per-click (PPC) programs such as Yahoo Marketing or Google AdWords, which are the largest of its kind in the World Wide Web.
Links for your page are posted in their sites and when a user clicks on these links, it takes them to your page, you pay only if somebody clicks on your link.
There are many other companies that offer advertising services but at a much cheaper costs.
Email marketing or accumulating a sizable email list is an effective way of making money and direct traffic to your web site. Instead of endorsing product links from affiliates, you can write a blog then publish it through your email list; these are the people who subscribed to your blog.
Article marketing is a useful way of creating back links to your page. The larger the number of articles you post on the web that have links that point to your web page the higher the traffic that is drawn to you. These articles have a word or phrase either in the beginning or in the end where they harbor links (these are colored blue) to your page. If you get these articles published in an article directory of a good quality, they can also rank high for those targeted keywords just as in search engine optimization. Thus your objective is to get as many articles published in these directories as can be managed.
Social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter has millions of visitors each month of the year. You can interact with individuals as well as use it to usher traffic into your page by making posts about your business. Some people post photos of their products and tag them.
Last but not the least; you can use video marketing to draw traffic to you. Create a video of your product or service, post it into a video hosting site like YouTube, and embed it into your page.

Internet and Ethics

Companies that want to survive in the long run must use all the means that they are available (including the Internet) in the correct manner and to place messages that are true and real, but it is not the only reason for this behavior – they should also realize to be socially responsible companies, only such business entities can be useful to the society in which they operate.

The Internet is an extremely powerful means of communication. Unfortunately, many companies use the Internet and their web sites to place false information or using a specific marketing traps to attract many customers or users of certain services.
This raises the logical question is when such things matter, to which limits companies can act in such a way as to whether there are specific criteria or indicators of when to stop such conduct and how it is ethical.
It is normal and correct perception that the company is “organisms” that operate by certain rules and struggle and seek their place in the market, be they leaders or followers.
However, companies that want to survive in the long run must use all the means that they are available (including the Internet) in the correct manner and to place messages that are true and real, but it is not the only reason for this behavior – they should also realize to be socially responsible companies, only such business entities can be useful to the society in which they operate.
Internet and information that is placed over it, are not something invisible and not something that can not be controlled and construed in a way that is correct.
Many companies lost the chance to start properly on the Internet and thus, in the the long term, make yourself problems and poor self-image to the public – which, of course, reflect on their business success and competitive advantages, and the consequences are fully clear.
It is honest and moral responsibility in using the old and new media on the important issue which should not only talk to serious organizations, but also seriously working on it.

Cryptology And The Internet

Internet transactions such as the purchase of books or applications for loans usually require the customer or applicant to submit important personal information, such as a credit card number or a Social Security number. Identity theft is a crime that occurs when someone fraudulently poses as another person in order to use that person’s credit, assets, or benefits. Common identity theft crimes include the use of stolen credit card numbers to make purchases, and the use of stolen Social Security numbers to apply for loans or benefits. The network of computers making up the Internet is not secure or private – information passes from computer to computer as it travels to its destination, and it can be intercepted easily in route. To keep information private, Internet transactions must be encrypted.

Most of the time, computer programs automatically perform the necessary encryption, employing the methods discussed above. But Internet browsers such as the Microsoft Corporation’s Internet Explorer will not normally encrypt information unless the user visits a Web site with a secure link. These sites are identified with a Web address beginning with https rather than http. A procedure known as a protocol governs the manner by which the browser, running on the visitor’s computer, interacts with the Web server, which is the computer hosting the Web page. An older version of this protocol is known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and a newer version is called Transport Layer Security (TSL). The protocol specifies that the computers follow a specific encryption algorithm such as RSA, the selection of which depends on the algorithms the computers are capable of running. The cryptography is asymmetric, so the computers create a public and private key with which they will encrypt and decrypt messages. These functions are “transparent” to the computer user, meaning the operations are handled by the computer.
Many browsers indicate SSL or TSL connections with an icon positioned somewhere on the page. Internet Explorer uses a gold padlock, which in the 7.0 version appears near the top, to the right of the address (on previous versions of this browser the padlock appeared near the bottom). The padlock is a visual indication that the connection between the client computer (the computer on which the browser is running) and the Web server is secure. In some cases, only a portion of a page is secure; for instance, a Web page may have a log-in program that establishes a secure connection, in which case the gold padlock does not appear on the page.
But any cryptography system is only secure if the user is careful. Criminals can write computer programs that install themselves on a person’s computer without the owner’s consent. For example, viruses and worms are malicious programs that travel along computer networks in e-mails or other network traffic, infecting computers that are not protected with antivirus software. These programs may have instructions for searching a person’s computer files for personal information, including private keys. Computer users who are connected to the Internet should exercise caution when opening e-mails from unknown persons or when visiting unfamiliar Web sites.
Another common technique known as phishing has emerged recently to bypass cryptographic protection. The technique, whose name resembles the word fishing, is an attempt to get unwary computer users to visit a Web site and provide personal information. The Web site may appear to be from a legitimate bank, company, or other institution, and the connection may also be secure, but the Web site is actually phony, designed specifically for the purpose of collecting credit card numbers or other private data. Criminals entice users to visit these sites by providing links in fraudulent e-mails that for instance, may claim to be from a bank or company requesting personal information for some reason, such as updating its files. When users click on the link, they are taken to the phony Web site.
To avoid phishing scams, computer users must be careful about using links to visit important Web sites. If a link appears doubtful, a user can type in the correct address, rather than trust the link. At secure Web sites, identified with an icon such as the gold padlock on Internet Explorer, users can usually double-click on the icon to reveal Web site information provided by certification authorities, who verify Web sites as well as cryptography keys. The information should match the Web site’s owner and address.
E-mail is not generally encrypted unless the user installs a program such as PGP. The Internet community may eventually opt for standard encryption of e-mails, however, as more and more people use e-mail for important correspondence.
Tactics such as viruses and phishing are not attacks on the encryption algorithm itself, but rather attempts to trick a person into revealing secrets. These attempts are similar to stealing codebooks or keys, as secret agents did during World War II.
Encryption tools such as the Advanced Encryption Standard and public key cryptography are hard to break, but the rapid increases in computer processing speed mean the chances for success of a determined cryptanalyst are getting better. Much of the research on the security of today’s encryption algorithms involves the field of computational complexity. This field of computer science studies the efficiency of algorithms and the problems they are capable of solving in a reasonable period of time. Encryption algorithms are designed to be extremely tough to solve, even with the fastest computers.
But no one has found any proof that efficient solutions do not exist for even the most difficult problems, even though researchers have spent years searching for and failing to find such solutions. And certain methods, such as those known as differential cryptanalysis, probe for patterns, where the computer encryption algorithm fails to be random. Such patterns are similar to those found in the Enigma machine’s encrypted messages by Rejewski, and later exploited by Turing and his colleagues during World War II.
The most dangerous threat at present to the security of modern cryptographic systems is probably not a cryptanalysis technique, but a new kind of computer on the horizon. Quantum computers, would employ quantum mechanics – the physics of small particles such as atoms – to make amazingly fast calculations. Although quantum computers do not yet exist, the early phases of research into these machines have been successful enough to make cryptographers take notice.

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